INS Video Series

The world of autonomy within the robotics marketplace is booming. Explore our autonomous video series as we unpack the value that autonomy brings to this marketing place and some of the top questions and answers you need to streamline your robotics fleet as well as your entire business.

Watch the latest episode in our Inertial Navigation System video series.

The Difference Between IMU, AHRS, and INS

The Difference Between IMU, AHRS, and INS

Shopping around for an inertial sensor, people think of INS, aka inertial navigation system. Maybe you need an IMU, which is super simple. Understanding the difference between IMU, AHRS, and INS is going to help pick the right product for your specific application. Be sure to watch the video below as Morgan explains the difference between IMU and AHRS, as well as a complete breakdown of INS.    What Does IMU Stand for? The term IMU stands for “Inertial

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