What is Dual Compassing? (RTK Compassing)
GPS Compassing is taking two GPS antennas and using them on a baseline with one another to give a heading. Watch the video below as Carson explains how RTK and dual compassing work together. Inside a sensor, the IMU contains a magnetometer. This sensor tells the system which direction it is facing and gives it […]
The Difference Between GPS & GNSS
A question as old as time is, what is the difference between GPS and GNSS. Watch this video below as Carson breaks it down. One of the vital pieces to the Inertial Sense navigation system is GPS, or as we know it across the world, as GNSS. GPS stands for global positioning system. GNSS […]
RTK Rover & Base – What’s The Difference Between RTK and DGPS?
You ever wonder what the difference between RTK base stations and differential GPS (DGPS) is, and how the two can operate together? Watch the video below as Walt breaks down how the two work together to give accurate information and data. How RTK GPS works is you have two GPS systems, a rover and […]
How Does RTK Provide GPS with Centimeter-Level Accuracy?
We all want as accurate information as possible when it comes to data and pinpointing location. And it is possible. Watch the video below as Walt explains how RTK can allow GPS signals to provide centimeter-level accuracy. RTK stands for real-time kinematic. It takes a correction service from an already surveyed GPS base station […]