We Design & Manufacture Tactical Grade Inertial Systems
At Inertial Sense, we design the most cost-effective and scalable tactical-grade inertial systems. We sat down with founder Walt Johnson recently to discuss some key questions about Inertial Sense, inertial systems, and the affordable options we offer for our clients. Here is what he had to say about Inertial Sense and the inertial systems we produce and sell.
What Does Inertial Sense Do?
Inertial Sense was founded to serve the precision navigation needs of the commercial marketplace. Specifically designed to be lightweight and affordable, our tactical grade sensors and systems are scalable and sell for as much as 80 percent less than those of our competitors. This approach to pricing and production allows us to provide low price points that help our customers achieve their goals.
What Makes Inertial Sense Different?
The primary difference between our inertial systems and those of our competitors is the low price of our products. We design tactical-grade inertial systems that incorporate cutting-edge components and that are affordable for most companies. Our team is committed to providing the best possible solutions at the right prices for our customers. We deliver tactical-grade inertial systems for aerial imagery companies, academic researchers, and many other companies across the United States.
How Can We Sell at Such Low Prices?
We started with a low-cost hardware platform based on existing sensors to reduce our initial costs. Our precision manufacturing processes incorporate temperature compensation and motion calibration that ensures cross-axis alignment for sensors as well as appropriate scaling factors. Finally, our proprietary real-time sensor fusion algorithm is redundant to reduce the possibility of sensor error. We offer the best and most accurate tactical-grade sensors and inertial systems at price points that make sense. Our precision calibration processes are designed to ensure accuracy for our customers.
Why Is IMU Calibration Essential?
Inertial measurement units, also known as IMUs, consist of three gyroscopes and three accelerometers that must be accurately calibrated to function properly. Inertial Sense performs temperature-compensated calibration on our IMUs to ensure that our tactical-grade inertial systems perform from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius. We also remove up to six degrees of gyro error and from 0.1 to 0.15 m/s^2, which can produce much more accurate results for your company and your project. Accuracy is the key to success in inertial systems. We make it possible for less.
To learn more about Inertial Sense and our lineup of tactical-grade products, contact us today through our website or by email at sales@inertialsense.com. We are here to help you achieve your goals with tactical-grade inertial systems you can rely on now and in the future.
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Video Transcription
0:00 Intro
0:31 Lower Price Points
1:01 Achieving These Price Points
1:35 IMU Calibration
What does Inertial Sense do? We design and manufacture tactical-grade inertial systems. Our sensor is the smallest and most cost-effective tactical-grade solution on the market. We are two to three times lower in cost than our competitors. Our inertial sensors are designed to aid our customers in scaling their products. Unlike other manufacturers of similar products, we understand the value of low price points.
0:31 Lower Price Points
We’re the only tactical-grade inertial system manufacturer with a price point below $100 per unit. What makes us different from our competition? We offer tactical-grade inertial systems at a significantly lower price point than our competitors. We have had customers who have expressed that higher price points are prohibitive for producing their products. We’ve worked hard to create solutions that meet our customers’ needs, both from a price and capability standpoint.
1:01 Achieving These Price Points
How do we achieve such low price points? We were able to accomplish this by one, creating a low-cost hardware platform based on triple-redundant off-the-shelf sensors. Two, we use a precision manufacturing process that consists of temperature compensation and motion calibration for sensor cross-seis alignment and scale factor, and three, we created a real-time sensor fusion algorithm that uses redundant aiding information to estimate and remove sensor error.
1:35 IMU Calibration
What is the significance of the IMU calibration? You get temperature-compensated calibration across -40 to 85°C operating range. Our calibration removes 2 to 6° per second of gyro error and .1 to .15 m/s squared of accelerometer error.
If you’d like to know more, send us an email at info@inertialsense.com, and we’ll get back to you.