IMX-5 Tactical Grade IMU Applications & Use Cases
The IMX-5 is a low-cost, tactical grade IMU. Numerous companies have already shown interest in this revolutionary product. Watch the video below as Carson discusses the details of some of the use cases that have already implemented IMX-5.
Case Study: Defense and Aerospace
In the first case study, a multi-billion dollar aerospace and defense company needed a low-cost IMU for a hand held missile system. They were unable to find an IMU that fit both their budget and their accuracy needs. Luckily, Inertial Sense developed IMX-5. It not only fit within their budget of under $100 per unit, but it also matches the necessary specifications.
Case Study: Telecommunications
Navigational systems for recreational vehicles like boats and yachts need high-quality IMUs. Unfortunately, the cost of those IMUs is often so high that profits are significantly lowered unless the manufacturer passes on the cost to their customers. The solution to this problem was found with the IMX-5. It is now in the process of becoming the sole navigation provider for this multi-billion dollar company.
Case Study: Warehousing
This billion-dollar company uses indoor robots in order to improve overall performance. The cost of creating these robots is already enormous. Adding IMU applications, which are typically extremely expensive, would cause the practice of using indoor robots to be unsustainable. The Inertial Sense solution is helping this company in a big way. The indoor robots are now less expensive to build and they have increased capabilities.
A Multi-Industry Solution
The applications and use cases for IMU and INS solutions are endless.
The IMX-5 is not built for one industry. It was created to improve the accuracy of multiple devices in many areas. Because Inertial Sense’s accuracy is tactical grade, the IMX-5 can be used in everything from military weapons to sports cameras. With a low price, it is the ideal choice for researchers on limited budgets and companies that need to mass produce items using these devices.
Are you looking for a low-cost, tactical-grade inertial measurement unit? Did you think you would never find an IMU that was within your budget? Were you willing to settle for an IMU that wouldn’t meet all of your needs just so you could save some money? You can stop sacrificing your needs or busting your budget. Inertial Sense has created the IMX-5 Tactical Grade IMU for you. Not only is it affordable, it also has up to six times the accuracy of previous sensors. Are you ready to try IMX-5 for yourself? Call us today!
Learn More
Introducing The IMX-5, A Low-Cost, Tactical Grade IMU
Video Transcript
0:00 Intro
0:38 Low-Cost IMU Options
1:11 Telecommunications
2:04 Warehousing
3:44 Video Takeaways
My name is Carson Herbert, and I’m the Director of Sales with Inertial Sense. Over the past few months, we have rolled out our new tactical grade IMX-5 product. Ever since releasing this product, we have received a significant amount of customer interest and these parts are literally flying off the shelves.
We have customers all over the world that have already committed to purchasing thousands of these for their applications and use cases. Some of these use cases I’m going to go over with you and share some details of their responses to our new IMX-5 product.
0:38 Low-Cost IMU Options
One multi-billion dollar defense and aerospace company is looking for a low-cost IMU that costs under a hundred dollars per piece. It is to be used for a handheld missile system, but they have been unable to find a sensor that provides high enough accuracy with such a low price point. The volume potential with this client is enormous, but they are unable to find a suitable solution, that was until Inertial Sense released their tactical grade IMX-5.
1:11 Telecommunications
We were able to achieve both proper specifications, so high accuracy as well as the low price point the customer was in search of. Another multi-billion dollar telecommunications company needed a low-cost GNSS aided INS for a Satellite pointing system used on recreational vehicles and yachts.
Solutions on the market hold the right specifications but the price point was not achievable for a low end commercial application. Inertial Sense was able to provide an offering that will be integrated into several product offerings for this company. The IMX-5 will become the sole navigation provider. Our price point was once again unrivaled.
2:04 Warehousing
Finally, this last example is another billion dollar company who has a fleet of indoor warehouse robots that need improved performance, but in order to get that improved performance, the client has found that they needed to pay more and the cost of building these indoor robots was already very expensive.
The Inertial Sense IMX-5 is an exception. Not only will performance be increased for these UGVs, but the Inertial Sense IMX-5 is lower cost than that of the current sensor offering which is industrial, providing more bandwidth to add this sensor to various other projects inside of the organization. Once again, Inertial Sense’s price point is unrivaled.
After going through some of these larger case studies, we have many other clients doing similar things. Some of those cases include making sure a turret is stable and pointed in the right direction and angle to shoot down an enemy target. Another sensor of ours is used in a camera system to ensure the camera is pointed correctly to capture the huge plays during a soccer game. Another client uses us to send a drone hunter to take down other unwelcome drones inside specific airspace. The uses of our inertial sensor are literally endless. You can use it to capture motion of any kind.
3:44 Video Takeaways
So if you’ve been watching this video, there are three important things that I’d like you to take away from it. One, Inertial Sense accuracy is tactical grade, two, our price point for tactical grade accuracy is unrivaled, and three the applications and use cases for IMU and INS solutions are endless.
At the end of the day, what we want is to talk to you about your projects and your business goals. If you’re interested in learning more on our IMUs and INS solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My email is sales@inertialsense.com or you can call me. My phone number is 801-477-4689. We look forward to integration.